Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Malmo 2013: Quick Second Semifinal Predictions

In the first semifinal I correctly picked everyone except the awful tunes of Moldova and Belgium, in which I will go over (probably) in the grand final predictions on Friday.

Anyway, there is the second semifinal. 17 entries for ten spots on Saturday. Here are my predictions of the ten who will move on to Saturday:

Heilsarmee (Takasa) "You and Me." (Switzerland) Swiss acts, such as these guys and Sinplus from Baku 2012 are still some of my favorite Swiss entries of the ESC. I've been playing this since they won the Swiss National Final in December. Brilliant tune that really rocks. Never mind the imposed EBU name change, it is still great.

Koza Mostra & Agathonas Iakovidis "Alcohol is Free." (Greece) Finally, a Greek song worth listening to for a long time. There had been some great Greek entries in the ESC, such as Mathima Solfege's "The Solfege Lesson" from 1977, just to name a few. Didn't like Eleftheria last year, but this one will definitely be an attention getter. If you like acts such as Sublime, you'll like this.

Margaret Berger "I Feed You My Love." (Norway) A powerful tune with good beat, a stunning amount of perfection. I've heard a lot of Norwegian acts in ESC over the years, this is one of their best.

Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko "Identiet." (Albania) Great alternative rock from a band that deserves heaps better than the Rona Nishliu hemmorhoid song from Baku 2012. A contender to win it all on Saturday? Maybe.

Cezar Ouatu "It's My Life." (Romania) I've heard some good entries from Romania in the ESC every now and then, and this ranks as their best. Beat good; lose the dubstep. A pure contender to win the grand final, especially with such a voice. Keep in mind he has plenty of opera experience.

Dorians "Lonely Planet." (Armenia) Armenia is back in EUROVISION! Quality rock, especially when it is ritten by Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath fame. All fans of Black Sabbath will appreciate this work.

ByeAlex "Kedvesem." (Hungary) Hungary is underrated in ESC, and this is a perfect ballad. No doubt it will qualify for the grand final.

Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Yankoulov "Samo Shampioni." (Bulgaria) Now Bulgaria is a country I have enjoyed listening their tracks in ESC over the last few years. From Kaffe in 2005 to the recent stuff with both Poli Genova and Sofi Marinova, Bulgaria has sent tunes with extreme high aura levels and are highly addictive (except the ones from maybe 2008 to maybe 2010). This is one of those. Elitsa & Stoyan both represented Bulgaria at ESC '07, where "Voda" went to the final and finished 5th. They are only champions, but this could be a longshot to win it all Saturday.

Noda Tatishvili & Sophie Gelovani "Waterfall." (Georgia) Epic ballad that is pinned by Thomas 'G:Son' Gustafsson, who wrote "Euphoria" by Loreen Talhaoui, last year's winner who opened the first semifinal along with area kids from Malmo. Another longshot to win it all.

And the last song to qualify for the grand final on Saturday:

PeR "Here We Go." (Latvia) Once again, it's not a song about Bud Light, but a tune that has elements of pop and rap. The juries on Tuesday screwed Who See Klapa of a final, hopefully they won't screw these guys. Rap in ESC is just as needed because there are Europeans (and Europeans abroad) who are huge rap fans, especially those of the underground scene.

Those going golfing:

Gianluca Bezzina "Tomorrow." (Malta) Good song, with a good guitar solo, but will once again be faced with a huge tiebreaker similar to the second semifinal last year in Baku between Sofi Marinova and Tooji. We know how it turned out...

Vlatko Lozanoski & Esma Redzepova "Pred da se Razdeni." (Macedonia) The gypsy queen's first foray in EUROVISION, at 67, and just like the second semifinal last year, it will possibly be a tie this year with Austria and Malta. Good song though.

Valentina Monetta "Crisalide." (San Marino) The new and improved Valentina Monetta's second straight ESC, a better song than "Facebook," however it will be a similar result: failure to qualify.

Eythor Ingi Gunlaugsson "Eg a Lif." (Iceland) Great ballad with piano, but like the second semifinal last year, it will be tough to get in.

Moran Mazor "Rak Bishvillo." (Israel) Great ballad, however in such a tight semifinal, it would be a longshot to get in.

Farid Mammadov "Hold Me." (Azerbaijan) Just like "Rak Bishvillo" by Moran Mazor, it would also be a longshot to get in. Tough semifinal.

Krista Siegfrids "Marry Me." (Finland) The only entry in the second semifinal with no chance at all to get in. Why? It is the worst song at this year's ESC, a Katy Perry copycat, and in my honest opinion, is the favorite to get null points (Jedward's "Lipstick" and "Waterline" should have gotten null points in their semifinals in 2011 and 2012). Maybe Finland would considering sending the new and improved Lordi for 2014?

So in conclusion, everyone has a legitimate shot to make it in, except Finland. If Krista Siegfrieds is in the grand final, we riot. If she wins it all, riots will be all over Malmo. All because of a horrible filthy piece of shit song.

You can watch the second semifinal live, at 9pm CET (3pm NAEDT) on Thursday at

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