Friday, November 9, 2012

Assessement of the U.S. Senate Elections 2012.

Tammy Baldwin was among the dozen or more who will be freshmen Senators once the session opens in January. Baldwin defeated former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson (and former Bush cabinet member) for the vacated Senate seat for Wisconsin. It was an historic election for Baldwin, where in her victory speech, claimed that she will become the first member of the Senate to become 'openly gay.' For the record, 'Nimrod' Allen finished 4th at 1% of the vote. Why am I bringing him up? Because of the name. His first name is 'Nimrod.' He ran as an independent.

The Senate will once again be majority Democrat with 53 members; the same number of Democrats in the Senate from 2010. Republican seats in the Senate decreased from 47 in 2010, to 45 in 2012. Key Republicans including Bob Corker (Tennessee) are returning to the Senate. Another Republican-Ted Cruz-won the vacated Senate seat in Texas previously held by three-term (?) Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, who was a Republican. Hutchinson, and fellow Senate Republican Olympia Snowe (Maine) are retiring.

Former US Congressman Bernie Sanders (Vermont) won his election. An independent in the house will remain an independent in the Senate.

The question remains: will Harry Reid still become Majority Leader? Will another Democrat-such as Claire McCaskill, Jon Tester or Kirsten Gillibrand-who won re-election on Tuesday will take over? Anything to keep away from those two morons from California.

Remember it's a majority of 60 that is needed for a majority to obtain power to filibuster. For a filibuster, 60 of 100 in the Senate must stop a bill.

Let the fun (and backstabbing) begin.

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